GDPR, which is nothing but the European Union’s latest ordinance which is into effect since May 25 2018. This regulation demands businesses to safe guard every single personal info and EU citizen’s privacy during transactions that takes place within EU member states.
GDPR as a service by Colan Infotech
Colan Infotech as one of the best GDPR service providers manage data as precious to a company as how it is valuable to the individuals. GDPR as a service has significant roles & responsibilities through GDPR includes but not limited to,

Data Protection Officers:
The role that is responsible for ensuring compliance with GDPR requirements. A DPO is the sole person responsible for supervising data protection.

Increased Data Controller Responsibility:
The GDPR regulation enforces greater accountability on data controllers to ensure GDPR compliance. Simply, a controller is legal person who dictate the cause and means in processing personal data (i.e. for an employee his/her employer is the controller of personal data)

Breach Reporting:
After thorough investigation if the breach is confirmed it will be notified within 72 hours of identification to the EU authorities with a comprehensive containment plan.

Privacy by Design:
A simple and pretty concept that is nothing but an essential and procedural reminder to construct user solitude principles into a product or tool.

Our GDPR management solution offer secure data destruction and hassle-free data disposal
Handling PII Data
Personally Identifiable Information or PII is nothing but the data used to identify an individual. Simple contact information such as email address & phone numbers are commonly considered as PII. But with technology enhancement other details like IP address, User IDs and personal digital assets are also considered as PII.
Usage in terms of end user:
Right to access
Right to be informed
Right to restrict processing
Right to object
Right to data portability
Right of rectification
Right to erasure
Usage in terms of service provider’s:
Data minimization
Fairness & transparency
User consent
Storage limitation
Accountability & Accuracy
Our GDPR Offerings
Colan Infotech has developed a set of procedures in managing GDPR compliance by assuring a peace of mind in safe guarding your data and updates in regulations.
Assessment & Discovery Services:

GDPR Compliance & Privacy Impact Assessment

PII Data Discovery (Process & Technologies)

PII Data Protection Control Assessment

PII Data/Process Modelling & Visualization
Remediation Services:

Policy and Procedure Design/Re-Alignment

Application/IT Process Re-Factoring

Data Protection Controls Implementation

Breach Detection Control Implementation (SOC)

Data Protection Officer Services

GDPR Program Management
Let experts from reputed GDPR consulting firm, Colan Infotech guide you through GDPR obligations that include sizeable change in your processes and infrastructure.
Have a Project Idea
We have framed sequence of services that give required insight and advice. We will continuously drive your organisation across most outspread data regulatory framework. Get in touch with us today for more information.