Top 10 Progressive Programming Languages For Mobile App Development

4 min read | By Admin | 14 April 2021 | Technology

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Did you know that mobile apps are not only about technology, it’s “state-of-the-art progression” towards the future?

Owing to the tech-driven world, the usage of mobile applications is increasing, which is making a significant difference in the way humans feel & experience computing.

Hence, it’s no wonder that the purpose of mobile apps will keep increasing till the end of this world.

Businesses around the world are beginning to move to the mobile realm thus bridging the gap between the physical & digital world. This indeed helps consumers get intact with the businesses they are engaging for top notch user experience.

Therefore, if you are interested in creating a fascinating mobile app to gain the user’s attention? You ought to take attention on choosing the app development language and the ideal technology, to build robust and user-friendly apps.

Before choosing various mobile app coding language, you need to consider the numerous factors, boon & bane and popularity of the language before making your decision to create a bespoke mobile app.

In this article we have curated a list of top 10 programming languages for mobile development for promising user engagement and ROI.

Types of Mobile Applications

app development language

Getting a feel for the mobile app landscape will aid you find out your next move. So, we describe the different types of app development from a coding perspective. Typically, you can create an application in one of these three genres:

Cross-platform Mobile Apps

app development language

Thanks to cross-platform mobile app development, organizations now only have to invest once to build their app more than in previous times when they had to spend more for various tools and technologies.

By leveraging the cross-platform development approach allows you to build an app and deploy it on different platforms which incorporate the web. By creating a single app, you can target Android and iOS platforms, thus enhancing your reach.

Native Mobile Apps

app coding language

Through native mobile app development, the application is developed & optimized for a specific platform. As a consequence, this provens an high-efficiency of performance. Native app development offers considerably more control over the user experience and also allows to design the apps for easy support.

Mobile Web Apps

app coding language

Mobile web apps are a lightweight paradigm and it uses a certain browser in order to run and they are commonly written in CSS, JavaScript or HTML5. This allows users to access web apps from any device connected to the Internet. A category of web apps is Progressive Web Apps (PWA), in which the data or user interface can be updated immediately on the servers rather than on the user device.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Programming Languages

  • Java
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • Kotlin
  • PHP
  • C#
  • Swift
  • HTML 5
  • Ruby on Rails (ROR)

1. Java

app coding language

Java is known as one of the most-liked app development language and it is the official android development & object-oriented programming language. Java is designed easy to use and it’s effortless to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Through Java’s features, you can build bespoke cross-platform apps, Android apps, server apps. Java has one of the excellent app coding languages of capability to effortlessly move from one system to another.

Features of Java

  • Open-source programming language and compatible with almost all the operating systems.
  • Java apps are highly secured with Java APIs, tools, algorithms, and protocols.
  • Affords systematic procedure for application development that ensures a better and cleaner code.
  • Interpreted language and it’s faster than traditional interpreted programming languages.
  • Java executes tasks concurrently and this increases efficiency along with the performance of the mobile apps.

Drawbacks of Java

  • Java programs take much longer time to run compared to C/C++.
  • No support for low level programming in Java, like pointers are missing.
  • Java programs run on top of JVM, it consumes more memory.
  • Complicated operations owing to poor garbage collection.

2. Python

mobile app development programming languages

Python has begun to gain a prominent share of the app development market and it’s considered as the best programming language for mobile app development by offering robust integration, eminent library support and increased control capabilities. Python offers minimized lines of codes and numerous aspects which allow the developers to write complex programs with ease and provides a simplistic approach to create high-end mobile apps.

Features of Python

  • Python makes the code readable and flexible to suit the fluctuating customer requirements.
  • Support for multiple programming paradigms and it leverages to build even complex applications with ease.
  • Affords support for all popular architectures and operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, NetBSD & OpenBSD.
  • Python, interactive language used to create scalable apps & supports GUI apps.

Drawbacks of Python

  • Python memory is not very efficient and it has slow processing power compared to other languages.
  • It’s dynamically typed language therefore data type of a variable can change anytime.
  • Python is responsible for slow execution because it requires extra work while executing the code.

3. Javascript

mobile app development programming languages

In recent years, JavaScript has continued to influence mobile application development. Through JavaScript, the application not only affords better UI/UX but also bestows latest content updates, latest scrolling video jukeboxes and animated 2D / 3D graphics. Building mobile apps with JavaScript is quite easy and it is suitable for all platforms like Android & IOS.

Features of JavaScript

  • JavaScript works well with other languages ​​and can be used in a numerous variety of mobile apps.
  • It tends to be very rapid because it is often run immediately within the client’s browser.
  • JavaScript is everywhere on the web, and with the advent of Node.js, is increasingly used on the backend.
  • This app development language offers several high-end features with the aid of which you can build outstanding mobile apps.

Drawbacks of JavaScript

  • JavaScript is interpreted differently by different browsers that makes it complex to read & write cross-browser code.
  • Vulnerable and in some cases can be used for malicious purposes.
  • In some cases you may encounter some browser support issues.

4. C++

C++ is an object-oriented language with generic & low-level memory manipulation features and it’s considered as the best programming language for mobile app development. iOS, Android and Windows — the three most popular mobile platforms, all support writing code in C++. Therefore, if you are looking to deploy your business app over multiple platforms, C++ is most preferable.

Features of C++

  • C++ which includes classes, inheritance, & data abstraction that allow code reusability & makes a program even more reliable.
  • It’s a multi-paradigm programming language which incorporates logic, structure, and procedure of the program.
  • C++ program is capable of running on a small scale as well as a large scale of data.
  • C++ is pretty much compatible with C. Virtually, every error-free C program is a valid C++ program.

Drawbacks of C++

  • Pointers in C / C ++ are a relatively difficult concept to understand and use a lot of memory.
  • C++ does not support any built-in threads.
  • Cannot support dynamic memory allocation and garbage collection.

5. Kotlin

Less code is important but there is readability that also should be considered and desirably improved. With Kotlin, you receive them both. Kotlin is a statistically typed programming language and Kotlin is fully compatible with Java, used to create ultra-modern Android apps. It enables the implementation of the same tasks with less time and effort.

Features of Kotlin

  • Kotlin allows writing less code and solves developer challenges.
  • It imposes no runtime overhead and it has a strong community.
  • Kotlin suits for multi-platform development which includes more safety.
  • The fact that Kotlin has a clear code is implicitly a secure code.

Drawbacks of Kotlin

  • Limited sources to learn and fluctuation in compilation.
  • It works quite slow in comparison to other programming languages.
  • Kotlin requires more coding that makes it quite prone to errors & bugs.

6. PHP

PHP is an open-source language used for server-side scripting and coding applications. Building a mobile app using PHP is a high efficiency method which bestows to develop numerous apps in the easiest manner. It renders maximum control over the site. Other than that, making changes and modifications to the existing code is easier and faster. For PHP, scripting language is platform independent and runs smoothly across UNIX, MacOS, Linux & Windows.

Features of PHP

  • Speed up custom mobile app development & simplify application maintenance.
  • Unlike other programming languages, no need to write additional code.
  • No need to increase mobile development cost.
  • Built-in security features to protect against complex security threats.

Drawbacks of PHP

  • Quality of PHP frameworks differs.
  • Lack of options to modify core behavior.
  • It is not suitable for giant content-based mobile apps.

7. C#

C# is an Object-Oriented programming language that was developed by Microsoft to build mobile development and majorly for cross-platform & windows app development. Using an IDE for hybrid development, the C# code is cross-compiled to run natively on iOS & Android and C# has proved to be the perfect language to aid to build robust mobile apps.

Features of C#

  • Automatic garbage collection and cross platform.
  • C# avoid the problem of memory leak & having numerous functions easy to be implemented.
  • Better integration & interpretation-ability as compared to other NET Technologies.
  • C# language is the robust programming language for the .NET Framework.

Drawbacks of C#

  • Poor x-platform GUI
  • C# is less flexible as it mostly depends on the .Net framework.

8. Swift

Swift is the compiled programming language for developing IOS, MacOS, TvOS & Linux applications and it combines the efficiency and Performance of compiled languages with the added simplicity and interactivity. Swift is flexible, scalable and easily adaptable to a safe programming pattern to add modern features to any mobile app.

Features of Swift

  • Easy code readability and code maintenance.
  • Rapid application development & less error-prone.
  • Supported by multiple devices and dynamic libraries.
  • Leverages the power of the open-source with interactive and collaborative.

Drawbacks of Swift

  • Lack of support for earlier iOS versions.
  • It can be considered quite young for development of heavy apps.

9. HTML 5

HTML5 is a programming markup language used specifically for configuring and presenting content in desktop browsers. HTML 5 is an eminent programming language for mobile development and its plain & simple Doctype. HTML5 is the robus tool which allows you to build apps for numerous mobile devices.

Features of HTML5

  • Ability to support rich media formats such as audio and video.
  • Cost effective multi-platform development.
  • Consistency across multiple browsers.
  • Better mobile access to Business Intelligence.
  • HTML5 offers better user experience.

Drawbacks of HTML5

  • HTML5 is not better than the Native application.
  • Relatively less storage & cache space for retrieval of elements.
  • Each platform requires a wide range of coding.

10. Ruby on Rails

With simple and readable syntax, ruby on rails renders to execute more in less code and its a back-end object-oriented scripting language used to build mobile applications. Ruby is naturally built into security features, which makes it very popular compared to other scripting languages. It’s highly popular in order to get high rankings on search engines.

Features of ROR

  • Built on Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture.
  • Code maintenance and updates are easy.
  • Easy to maintain, smooth performance and intuitive code quality.
  • By this app coding language, the development process is easier.

Drawbacks of ROR

  • Lack of flexibility with a lot of hard dependencies.
  • Runtime speed & performance is not the strongest suit of Ruby.
  • Development and updates of Ruby for bug fixes are slow.

The Fundamentals of Mobile App Coding Language You Need To Know

The ideal selection of app development language provides concise, easy to code, easy to scale, troubleshooting and fixable solutions. Hence, choosing the right language for the mobile app is varied from selecting one to learn. However, if you are new to the mobile development arena, it can be very confusing if you do not have information about programming languages.

For that, the following characteristics will aid you to choose mobile app development programming languages:

  • Flexibility & adaptability of the programming language.
  • Analysis and planning of targeted platforms.
  • Identify approach to develop the app.
  • Establish the app’s goals and objectives.
  • The purpose of an app’s design.
  • Information of architecture and workflows.

Briefly to Conclude:

Hope this article will finely aid you to choose mobile app development programming languages. To succeed in mobile development, consider the above top 10 app coding languages to build agile mobile apps for your business needs.

So, don’t await to build an app. Go through the significance of the programming language and choose the programming language that you are comfortable with to reach a great performance in your business.

Be it any programming language that you choose, make your mobile app building journey hassle free by choosing one stop IT shop like Colan Infotech. Contact us today & obtain the finest mobile application to disrupt your niche.

Share your requirement with us and get a free consultation


Presently, there are enormous programming language are available, but considering the scalability and efficient app development these are the finest: Java, Python, Javascript, C++, Kotlin, PHP, C#, Swift, HTML 5, and Ruby on Rails (ROR).

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. It is used as a client-side programming language by 97.6 percent of all the mobile & web apps and websites.

The latest programming languages for mobile apps are Elixir, Go, Dart, Julia, Pony, TypeScript, Kotlin and Nim.

Already the new and fruitful programming languages are thrivined for mobile app development and according to some reports Java, Python, JavaScript, R, Swift, GoLang, PHP, C++, Kotlin and Typescript are in demand for upcoming years.

There are three main kinds of programming languages such as: Machine language, Assembly language and High-level language.

10 replies on “Top 10 Progressive Programming Languages For Mobile App Development”

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